Diversamente da JSF il rendering avviene nel DOM lato server e solo cambiamenti parziali sono lasciati al browser ed in seguito assemblati con un bridge Ajax molto leggero. Since I posted this we've moved to RichFaces which isn't really a bridge in the same way, it's more just a js library on the front and ways to connect with it on the back.

And that's the JSP that refers to the WebKeys.PAGE_TOP request attribute for adding resources to the section of the portal page. Il Framework ICEFaces Questo un'estensione del framework standard JSF con la fondamentale differenza con cui viene tratta la fase di rendering. Also ICEFaces is more than just a js library, it's an AJAX bridge, a nice idea but when things like this come along it starts to fall down. But because the "runtime" portlet is added dynamically via Velocity, the portlet lifecycle for the runtime portlet isn't run until AFTER the $top_head_include (top_head.jsp) is executed. MyEclipse Archived > ICEfaces Integration This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 1 month ago by support-tony. In a normal portlet scenario, all of the portlets undergo the portlet lifecycle prior to this Velocity template getting run. Important notice: This tutorial has been written in 2010 when JSF was still quite popular as UI framework with many frameworks available on the top of it.Ten years later things changed quite a bit: Richfaces reached the End of Life in 2016 and its not being maintained by any organization. All JSF libraries supported by JoinFaces could be configured via application.yml or application.properties. Also for development, check liferay plugin sdk - Lari lalit j, modified 13 Years ago. I think maybe the best way to understand the problem, is to take a look at a typical Liferay theme portal_normal.vm Velocity Template: Check for instance sample-icefaces-jsf-1.2-sun-facelets-portlet- that Neil Griffin has written from liferay plugin repository - can be found from liferays web pages. This issue was first reported in the forums here: