I'm a bit skeptical when it comes to feeding cats without animal-based food because their digestive track is very well adapted for meat and not much for other kind of foods, and unlike dogs who are more omnivore than carnivore, there's not much mainstream scientific acceptance that vegan diets are nutritionally adequate for cats, so an animal ingredient-free cat food would need to meet a higher standard of evidence when it comes to healthfulness and adequate nutrition. On the other hand Wild Earth is saying they're doing their food "without animal ingredients" which I assume means no meat either lab grown or from animal slaughter. I think you're confusing Wild Earth Pets with another company, Bond Pet Foods which said they're doing pet food from lab meat

I'm wondering if anyone here has cats and if you have any insight into more ethical cat foods. I'm excited that "Wild Earth Pets" is apparently going to begin producing dog and cat food from vat meat in 2018 ( ) and that may be a solution. brimstoneSalad mentioned feeding him a worm-based diet, which had never occurred to me before.

I looked into an oyster-based diet, but learned that there was something (I don't recall what) in oysters that made them at best a 'sometimes' treat for cats. I have no moral justification for paying people to torture other animals for the sake of an animal I happen to love, but nevertheless, I care for him too much to be as ethical as I should be in this case. I know that male cats in particular often end up with urinary tract problems when they switch to vegan cat food, and I'm reluctant to try to convert him. He is currently border-line diabetic and is very finicky about what he eats. Berkeley has never been a very healthy cat. At brimstoneSalad's suggestion, I'm starting a thread about my almost 10 year old male cat Berkeley, and my failure to feed him a vegan diet.