And since they are mainly plug-and-play devices, they mostly don’t offer the option of plugging into other audio interfaces besides a computer. But be aware that they don’t yield top-notch sounds the way standard condenser mics do. All you need to do is plug the USB mic into your computer, and you are good to go! There is no need to worry about powering or setting them up. Also, they are relatively easy to use and are considered most suitable for beginner vocalists.
First, they are more affordable than most professional condenser mics. However, it makes sense to classify them separately for a couple of reasons.
USB Microphones: Technically, USB mics are also condenser microphones (at least almost all of them are), so they are not really a category. Even so, you should listen to a tube microphone and decide whether to go with the refined old-school tube sound or go with the digitally-mastered new-school condenser sound. It can be argued that the difference in the sound quality of a tube against a condenser is subjective. Instead of having transistors as is found in typical condensers, tube mics use tubes for audios. Technically, tubes can pass as condensers, but they have a different internal build. Tube Microphones: Vintage recording comes to mind when you consider tube mics. This makes them the excellent and most popular option for recording vocals. Their internal build and polar patterns make it possible to record only the sounds in front of them while isolating other sounds. Condenser Microphones: When it comes to recording vocals, condenser microphones are a great choice because of their sensitivity and detail. Quickly, vocal microphones are grouped into three main categories. If you don’t know this, you are likely to be disappointed with your purchase. You will need to buy an additional audio interface, a preamp, phantom power, or some external power source. Here’s the thing, your computer cannot sufficiently power a standard studio mic that is even if the microphone can connect to your computer. However, you may be disappointed because your newly acquired sophisticated mic cannot connect to your computer! What? It doesn’t even have a USB connector! If you don’t know the different types of vocal mics, you may end up buying a studio mic because it is usually more powerful and has all the physical appearance of a microphone. For the complete novice, vocal microphones are all the same, but nothing can be farther from the truth. Okay, we don’t enjoy long, drawn-out lectures too, but this piece of information is necessary, especially if you are new to microphones. But first, here’s something you need to understand about microphones for recording vocals. You can rest assured that our recommendations take both overall sound quality and price into consideration. After an extensive search, we’ve carefully narrowed our list to include 10 fantastic microphones that can deliver great sounds and come at a decent price range. There seem to be a plethora of available gimmicks and picking the right one is not quite easy. Your budget also plays a huge part in your buying decision, but first, finding what meets your needs – that conveys the right tone – is most crucial.įiguring out the best microphone for recording vocals on a computer can be challenging.
Recording vocals is not just about hooking the next available mic to your computer and passionately belting out! You need a microphone that can deliver the highest audio quality – something that gives you the sound that truly represents the feel and energy you want. Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.